NodkaAPI entry class

NodkaAPI method of application:

1、Create the NodkaAPI instance in onCreate of the Application.

mNodkaAPI = NodkaAPI.nodkaAPICreate(this);

2、Use API steps in an Activity or Fragment:

private NodkaAPI mNodkaAPI = APIApplication.getApplication().getNodkaAPI();

NodkaAPI interface specification:

1、Beginning with devinfo is the hardware and system information query class api.

2、Starting with display is the display control class api

Interface class Method Name method statement
Hardware and system information query class devinfo_getAndroidVersion() Obtain the Android OS version
devinfo_getAvailMem() Obtain the available memory capacity
devinfo_getBuildNumber() Obtain the system version information
devinfo_getCpuCores() Obtain the number of cpu cores
devinfo_getCPUCurFreqKHz() Obtain the current cpu operating frequency
devinfo_getCPUMaxFreqKHz() Obtain the maximum cpu frequency
devinfo_getCPUMinFreqKHz() Obtain the minimum cpu frequency
devinfo_getCPUTemp() Obtaining the cpu temperature
devinfo_getDeviceModel() Obtain device model information
devinfo_getKernelVersion() Obtain the kernel version information
devinfo_getSdStoragePath() Obtain the SD card path
devinfo_getSerialNum() Obtain the device SN
devinfo_getStorageAvailableSize() Gets the local available storage capacity
devinfo_getStorageTotalSize() Get native storage capacity (excluding system partitions)
devinfo_getTotalMem() Obtain the total memory capacity
devinfo_getUsbStoragePath() Obtain the USB flash drive path
Display control class display_getNavBar() Gets whether to display navigation bar and status bar
display_getScreenBrightness() Get screen brightness
display_getScreenMode() Get the brightness adjustment mode
display_getScreenRotation() Gets the screen rotation direction
display_getWindowHeight() Gets the screen resolution height
display_getWindowWidth() Gets the screen resolution width
display_setNavBar​(java.lang.Boolean enable) Set whether to display the navigation bar and status bar
display_setNavBarSlideShow​(java.lang.Boolean enable) Set whether swiping displays navigation and status bars
display_setScreenBrightness​(int screenBrightness) Set screen brightness
display_setScreenMode​(int screenMode) Set the brightness adjustment mode
display_setScreenRotation​(int rotation) Set the screen rotation direction
