==== Linux Usage guide ====
=== Interface function test ===
== GPIO ==
1.IO The control nodes are all present:/sys/class/io_control
2.IO corresponds to the following table:
^ function ^ Screen printing of motherboard ^ Node name ^
^ input | IO1 | gpio_ip0 |
| ::: | IO2 | gpio_ip1 |
| ::: | IO3 | gpio_ip2 |
| ::: | IO4 | gpio_ip3 |
| ::: | IO5 | gpio_ip4 |
| ::: | IO6 | gpio_ip5 |
^ output | IO7 | gpio_op0 |
| ::: | IO8 | gpio_op1 |
| ::: | IO9 | gpio_op2 |
| ::: | IO10 | gpio_op3 |
| ::: | IO11 | gpio_op4 |
| ::: | IO12 | gpio_op5 |
3.IO control method:
*Output low level:
echo 0 >/sys/class/io_control/gpio_op0
*Output high level:
echo 1 >/sys/class/io_control/gpio_op0
*View input level:
cat /sys/class/io_control/gpio_ip0
== UART ==
1. Serial port definition reference:
* [[:nk-rk3399-v0c#接口定义|主板接口定义]]
2. Serial port device node system mapping table:
^ Screen printing of motherboard ^ Device node ^
| COM1 | /dev/ttyXRUSB0 |
| COM2 | /dev/ttyXRUSB1 |
| COM3 | /dev/ttyXRUSB2 |
| COM4 | /dev/ttyXRUSB3 |
3. CuTecom tests the serial port, The COM2 loopback test is used as an example
* Refer to Steps 1 to 2 to short the TX & RX (2 to 3 pin) of COM2.
* Double-click the CuteCom icon on the desktop, open APP, Device select the device node corresponding to the test port (see Step 2).
* Click Settings to set the serial port parameters, as shown in the picture below:
* Click Open to open the serial port, input characters in the input text box, and press Enter to send data:
4. Test the serial port on the CLI, The COM2 loopback test is used as an example
Open the terminal and enter the following command to receive data:
com_recv /dev/ttyXRUSB1 115200
Open another terminal to send data:
com_send /dev/ttyXRUSB1 115200
The test results are as follows:
== LAN ==
1. Check the IP address of the network adapter, The system dynamically obtains an IP address by default
#ifconfig -a
2. Set a static IP address for a network adapter
* Method 1 -- Use graphical tool Settings
Double-click the desktop icon:Advanced Network Configuration
* Method 2 -- How to modify the configuration file:
vim /etc/network/interfaces
* After the modification is complete, enter restart to take effect.
== WIFI ==
1. Click the network icon in the lower right corner to browse the available WIFI routes:
* Enter your WIFI password and tap connect
2. Method 2 -- Connect to wifi from the command line
nmcli d wifi connect "SSID" password "PASSWROD"
== 4G/5G ==
1. The system has automatic dialing, Open the terminal and enter the command 4g to dial automatically:
root@rk3399:~# 4g
2. After the dial-up is complete, view the IP address:
3.Open a browser and browse any website.
4. The test method of 5G is similar to that of 4G, Input the command 5g to dial automatically:
root@rk3399:~# 5g
== Can ==
== GPIO/DIO ==
1.IO - The control nodes are all present:/sys/class/io_control
2.IO - corresponds to the following table:
^ function ^ Screen printing of motherboard ^ Node name ^
^ input | IO1 | gpio_ip0 |
| ::: | IO2 | gpio_ip1 |
| ::: | IO3 | gpio_ip2 |
| ::: | IO4 | gpio_ip3 |
| ::: | IO5 | gpio_ip4 |
| ::: | IO6 | gpio_ip5 |
^ output | IO7 | gpio_op0 |
| ::: | IO8 | gpio_op1 |
| ::: | IO9 | gpio_op2 |
| ::: | IO10 | gpio_op3 |
| ::: | IO11 | gpio_op4 |
| ::: | IO12 | gpio_op5 |
3.IO control method:
*Output low level:
echo 0 >/sys/class/io_control/gpio_op0
*Output high level:
echo 1 >/sys/class/io_control/gpio_op0
*View input level:
cat /sys/class/io_control/gpio_ip0
== Audio ==
* Connect the horn to the SPK port on the board
1. Method ① -- Use the SMPayer player delivered with the system and the audio test file to test the audio function
2. Method 2 -- Using commands to play:
aplay /nodka_test/LR_audio.wav -D hw:0,0
== Mic ==
* Recording test
arecord -d 5 -f cd -r 44100 -c 2 -t wav test.wav
aplay test.wav
== USB ==
1. The USB flash drive is automatically mounted to /media/disk
root@rk3399:~# df -h
File system capacity used available used% Mount point
/dev/root 15G 3.6G 10G 27% /
devtmpfs 980M 0 980M 0% /dev
tmpfs 981M 0 981M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 981M 8.8M 972M 1% /run
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 981M 0 981M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 197M 16K 197M 1% /run/user/0
/dev/sda1 57G 2.7G 54G 5% /media/disk
== SDCARD ==
* SDcard Automatic mounting:
root@rk3399:~# df -h
File system capacity used available used% Mount point
/dev/root 15G 3.6G 10G 27% /
devtmpfs 980M 0 980M 0% /dev
tmpfs 981M 0 981M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 981M 8.8M 972M 1% /run
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 981M 0 981M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 197M 16K 197M 1% /run/user/0
/dev/mmcblk0p8 30G 3.8G 25G 14% /media/3699f79c-f05d-4948-89c9-04dc4b132a1f
umount /dev/mmcblk0p8
mount /dev/mmcblk0p8 /sdcard
== Bluetooth ==
1. Open the Bluetooth manager and search for nearby Bluetooth devices:
2. Select Bluetooth device, pair and then select Trust:
3. To set the Bluetooth connection type:
== WatchDog ==
== Key ==
1. Run the evtest command to view all keys and input devices in the system:
root@rk3399:~# evtest
No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event*
Available devices:
/dev/input/event0: ff420030.pwm
/dev/input/event1: USB Optical Wheel Mouse
/dev/input/event2: SIGMACH1P USB Keyboard
/dev/input/event3: rk29-keypad
/dev/input/event4: SIGMACH1P USB Keyboard
Select the device event number [0-4]:
2. Select a test key as prompted. For example, the RK3399 boot key is /dev/input/event3: rk29-keypad
The event number is 3:Pressing the key prints a value of 1,Releasing the key prints a value of 0,As shown below:
3. Customize the key function. The configuration file is
The key is the reboot function. It is also the default configuration of the system. You can customize the key as required。
== LCD/Backlight ==
1. The system supports switching between different LCD screens using APP. Run the dis command to open the APP as shown in the following figure:
* Select the corresponding eDP/LVDS screen resolution and click Save. After the system restarts automatically, you can switch to the specified LCD:
2. Backlight brightness adjustment:
* Method 1: Click the following icon in the system tray at the lower right corner to open the backlight adjustment APP
* Method 2: Control driver application layer interface:
echo 100 > /sys/class/backlight/backlight1/brightness
(Note: The larger the value written, the greater the brightness,max_brightness 为250)
== PowerManager ==
1. Power management Settings:
Press POWER to wake up after sleep
2. The power management function is not supported by all products. To customize the system, contact the service window personnel.
== RTC/Timezone ==
1.View the current system time:
[root@rk3399:~]# date
Wed Jun 8 15:54:09 CST 2022
2. To set the synchronization hardware clock:
[root@rk3399:/]# date -s "2022-06-08 17:01:01"
Wed Jun 8 17:01:01 CST 2022
[root@rk3399:/]# hwclock -w
[root@rk3399:/]# hwclock -r
Wed Jun 8 17:01:09 2022 0.000000 seconds
3. Power off for more than 5 seconds, and then turn it on to check whether the system time is saved:
[root@rk3399:/]# date
Wed Jun 8 17:02:30 CST 2022
Note: The system uses network time synchronization by default. The above RTC test needs to be conducted when the external network is disconnected.
4. Time zone setting
* Method 1 -- Modify the link file, such as China, Shanghai:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
To set other time zones, simply change Asia/Shanghai in the preceding command to the corresponding time zone city.
* Method 2 -- Open preferences -> in sequence on the graphical interface; Time and date, select the time zone as shown below:
Close the window and run the date command to view the time zone change:
== CPU ==
To view CPU information:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
== Memory ==
Check the memory capacity:
free -h
== EMMC ==
View the available capacity of the EMMC
df -h
==== Linux Programming guide ====
=== GPIO Application programming ===
C The reference code is as follows:
static char gpio_path[100];
//Set the GPIO direction and high and low level
static int gpio_config(const char *file, const char *value)
char config_path[100];
int len;
int fd;
sprintf(config_path, "%s/%s", gpio_path, file);
if (0 > (fd = open(config_path, O_WRONLY)))
perror("open error");
return fd;
len = strlen(value);
if (len != write(fd, value, len))
perror("write error");
return -1;
return 0;
//Get the direction and level of GPIO
static int gpio_get(const char *file)
char get_path[100];
char buf[10]={"\0"};
int len;
int fd;
sprintf(get_path, "%s/%s", gpio_path, file);
if (0 > (fd = open(get_path, O_RDWR)))
perror("open error");
return fd;
if ( 0 > read(fd,buf,10))
perror("read error");
return fd;
printf(" %s : %s",file,buf);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (4 != argc)
if (3 != argc)
fprintf(stderr, "set gpio out : %s \n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "set gpio in : %s \n", argv[0]);
sprintf(gpio_path, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%s", argv[1]);
if (access(gpio_path, F_OK))
printf("%s inexistence,export %s... \n",gpio_path,argv[1]);
int fd;
int len;
if (0 > (fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/export", O_WRONLY)))
perror("open error"); exit(-1);
len = strlen(argv[1]);
if (len != write(fd, argv[1], len))
perror("write error");
if (gpio_config("direction", argv[2]))
if ( 0 == strcmp("out",argv[2] ) && argc == 4 )
if(gpio_config("value", argv[3]))
if (gpio_get("direction"))
if (gpio_get("value"))
Cross-compiled source code:
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o a.out gpio.c
Copy the compiled gpio program to rk3399 motherboard using scp and perform the test:How to use:
0:./gpio 0 out 0
1:./gpio 0 out 1
=== UART Application programming ===
Operating the test serial port of the UART in the system, using the COM2 test as an example:
COM2 The device node is:
C Reference UART high and low level input codes are as follows:
#define UART_DEVICE "/dev/ttyXRUSB1" //UART Device file name
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd, res;
struct termios oldtio, newtio;
char ch;
char buf[256] = {0};
//-----------Open the uart device file------------------
fd = open(UART_DEVICE, O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY);//No setting O_NONBLOCK。So here read and write are blocking operations
if (fd < 0) {
printf("Open %s successfully\n", UART_DEVICE);
//-----------Set operating parameters-----------------------
tcgetattr(fd, &oldtio);//Gets the current operation mode parameters
memset(&newtio, 0, sizeof(newtio));
//Baud rate =115200 Data bits =8 Enable data receiving
newtio.c_cflag = B115200|CS8|CLOCAL|CREAD;
newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);//Clear the input and output buffers
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &newtio);//Set a new operation parameter
//------------Send data to urat-------------------
res=write(fd, "Begin Uart tx", 16);
while(1) {
// Get the data from the console terminal and send it through the uart until it is received! Character
while((ch=getchar()) != '!') {
res=write(fd, buf, 1);
buf[1]=' ';
res = write(fd, buf, 2);
//-------------Receive data from the uart-------------------
while(1) {
res = read(fd, buf, 255);//Here the program will hang until data is received from the uart (blocking operation)
if (res == 0)
buf[res] = ' ';
printf("res = %d, buf = %s\n", res, buf);//Print out the characters received by the uart
if (buf[0] == '!')//uart received! Exit the while after the character
//------------Close the uart device file and restore the original parameters--------
printf("Close %s\n", UART_DEVICE);
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &oldtio); //Restore the original Settings
return 0;
Cross-compile source code:
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o uart uart.c
Copy the compiled program to 3399 motherboard using scp, and perform the test:
=== KEY application programming ===
For details, see the method of operating a key in the system
C The reference code is as follows:
#define INPUT_DEVICE "/dev/input/event2"
int main(int argc, char **argv){
int fd;
struct input_event event;
ssize_t bytesRead;
int ret;
fd_set readfds;
if ( 0 > (fd = open(INPUT_DEVICE,O_RDONLY)))
perror("open error");
return fd;
ret = select(fd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ret == -1){
fprintf(stderr,"select call on%s : an error ocurred",argv[1]);
bytesRead = read(fd, &event,sizeof(struct input_event));
if(bytesRead == -1 )
fprintf(stderr,"bytesRead :%ld : an error ocurred",bytesRead);
if(event.type == EV_KEY && (event.value == 0 || event.value == 1))
printf("key %s\n",(event.value) ? "pressed" : "released");
Cross-compile source code:
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o key key.c
Copy the compiled program to the r39s2 motherboard using scp, perform the test, press the key to print as follows:
*Display when the key is pressed:key pressed
*Display when the key is released:key released
==== Linux Application support ====
=== QT Cross-compilation environment ===
=== QT Creator ===
=== Hd hard decoding ===
=== Docker ===
* OpenCL is already supported by the system. Enter clinfo to view the support details:
==== Linux OTA Online upgrade ====
Terminal input ota for firmware online upgrade