


两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
a40i [2023/08/13 22:58]
a40i [2023/08/23 20:09] (当前版本)
hc [Linux C编程指导]
行 8: 行 8:
 } }
 ====接口布局和尺寸==== ====接口布局和尺寸====
-  *  
-  * 烧录过程不需要任何操作,烧录成功后右框会显示设备自动重启,烧录完成。 
行 141: 行 116:
   com_send /dev/ttyS3 115200   com_send /dev/ttyS3 115200
-  {{:pasted:20230813-225324.png}}+  
  ==RS232==  ==RS232==
行 157: 行 132:
 在接收端可以收到字符: 在接收端可以收到字符:
- {{:pasted:20230813-225050.png}}+{{:pasted:20230823-194608.png}} 
  ===CANBUS使用方法===  ===CANBUS使用方法===
-CAN测试方法,连接CAN1L -- CAN2L ,CAN1H -- CAN2H 
 设置can: 设置can:
行 174: 行 146:
   candump can0   candump can0
-  cansend can1 123#1122334455667788+ 
 查看接收端: 查看接收端:
行 183: 行 155:
 C编程指导参考:[[np-8132-v0a#CAN应用编程|CAN应用编程]] C编程指导参考:[[np-8132-v0a#CAN应用编程|CAN应用编程]]
- ===左右拨码开关使用方法=== + ===RUN/STOP开关使用方法=== 
- +别对应2个GPIO197、GPIO198 
- ===WATCHDOG使用方法=== +拨到RUN时查看状态:
-设置看门狗timeout超时时间 +
- +
-  i2ctransfer -y -f 4 w3@0x15 0x00 0x02 0x01     (1钟) +
-  +
-以此类比 0x01=1分钟  0x02=2分钟 0x03=3分钟  +
- +
-  i2ctransfer -y -f 4 w3@0x15 0x00 0x03 0x01  +  cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio197/value 
 +  为1 
 +  cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio198/value 
 +  为0
-喂狗:+ 拨到STOP时查看状态:
-  i2ctransfer -y -f 4 w3@0x15 0x00 0x04 0x01+  cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio197/value 
 +  为0 
 +  cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio198/value 
 +  为1
- ===LED使用方法===+  
 + ===DODI使用方法===
-{{:pasted:20220608-001138.png}} +    C源代码参考/root/dido/dido.c 
- +     
-系统共有8个LED,pwr_led不可以控制其中7个LED均可控,系统下对应的设备接口为: + ===移位寄存器的使用方法=== 
- +     
-  [root@rk3399:~]# cd /sys/class/leds/ +    移位寄存器控制0-F(DI)、0-F(DO)共计32个LED 
-  [root@rk3399:/sys/class/leds]# ls +    C源代码参考/root/dido/shift.c 
-   mmc1:: sys_led  work_led1  work_led2  work_led3  work_led4  work_led5 work_led6 +    
-控制work_led1熄灭 +
- +
-  echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/work_led1/brightness +
- +
-控制work_led1点亮 +
-   +
-  echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/work_led1/brightness +
-   +
- 其他LED类似+
  ===RTC使用方法===  ===RTC使用方法===
行 238: 行 201:
    Wed Jun  8 17:02:30 CST 2022    Wed Jun  8 17:02:30 CST 2022
- ===TFCARD使用方法=== 
-  [root@rk3399:/]# df 
-  Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on 
-  /dev/root       14781436  480548  13675260   4% / 
-  devtmpfs         1962984         1962984   0% /dev 
-  tmpfs            1963920      28   1963892   1% /dev/shm 
-  tmpfs            1963920     176   1963744   1% /tmp 
-  tmpfs            1963920     304   1963616   1% /run 
-  /dev/mmcblk0p6   3462176 2768616    497976  85% /mnt/sdcard 
- ===十段位编码开关使用方法=== + ===FUN编码开关使用方法=== 
 +   C代码参考  /root/FUN/fun.c
  ===扩展IO卡使用方法===  ===扩展IO卡使用方法===
 +   C代码参考 /root/pca9555/pca9555.c
  ===USB接口使用===  ===USB接口使用===
  系统支持U盘自动挂载:/media/usb0  系统支持U盘自动挂载:/media/usb0
-   [root@rk3399:/]# df + 
-   Filesystem     1K-blocks   Used Available Use% Mounted on +
-  /dev/root       14781436 480556  13675252   4% / +
-  devtmpfs         1962984      0   1962984   0% /dev +
-  tmpfs            1963920     28   1963892   1% /dev/shm +
-  tmpfs            1963920    184   1963736   1% /tmp +
-  tmpfs            1963920    288   1963632   1% /run +
-  /dev/sda1        1046512   2728   1043784   1% /media/usb0  +
  ====Linux C编程指导====  ====Linux C编程指导====
行 275: 行 221:
    Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64       Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64   
 2. 下载安装交叉编译工具链: 2. 下载安装交叉编译工具链:
-   apt install -y crossbuild-essential-arm64+   apt install -y crossbuild-essential-armhf
 3. 查看是否安装正确: 3. 查看是否安装正确:
-   aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -v+   arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v
 系统有打印Gcc 版本即为正常: 系统有打印Gcc 版本即为正常:
-{{:pasted:20220719-004327.png}} +{{:pasted:20230823-200954.png}}
-=== GPIO应用编程 === +
-系统下操作GPIO的方式参考[[np-8132-v0a#扩展IO卡使用方法|IO使用方法]] +
-  +
-C参考代码如下: +
- #include <stdio.h>  +
- #include <stdlib.h>  +
- #include <sys/types.h>  +
- #include <sys/stat.h>  +
- #include <fcntl.h>  +
- #include <unistd.h>  +
- #include <string.h>  +
- static char gpio_path[100]; +
-  //设置GPIO方向、高低电平 +
- static int gpio_config(const char *file, const char *value)  +
- {  +
- char config_path[100];  +
- int len;  +
- int fd;  +
- sprintf(config_path, "%s/%s", gpio_path, file);  +
- if (0 > (fd = open(config_path, O_WRONLY)))  +
- perror("open error");  +
- return fd;  +
- }  +
- len = strlen(value);  +
- if (len != write(fd, value, len)) +
- {  +
- perror("write error");  +
- close(fd);  +
- return -1;  +
- }  +
- close(fd);  +
- return 0;  +
- }  +
-  //获取GPIO的方向、电平 +
- static int gpio_get(const char *file) +
- {  +
- char get_path[100];  +
- char buf[10]={"\0"}; +
- int len;  +
- int fd;  +
- sprintf(get_path, "%s/%s", gpio_path, file); +
- if (0 > (fd = open(get_path, O_RDWR))) +
- perror("open error");  +
- return fd;  +
- if ( 0 > read(fd,buf,10)) +
- perror("read error");  +
- return fd;  +
- printf("  %s : %s",file,buf); +
- close(fd);  +
- return 0;  +
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])  +
- {  +
- if (4 != argc)  +
- {  +
- if (3 != argc) +
- fprintf(stderr, "set gpio out : %s <gpio> <out> <value>\n", argv[0]);  +
- fprintf(stderr, "set gpio in  : %s <gpio> <in>\n", argv[0]);  +
- exit(-1);  +
- }  +
- sprintf(gpio_path, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%s", argv[1]);  +
- if (access(gpio_path, F_OK))  +
- {  +
- printf("%s inexistence,export %s... \n",gpio_path,argv[1]); +
- int fd;  +
- int len;  +
- if (0 > (fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/export", O_WRONLY)))  +
- perror("open error"); exit(-1);  +
- }  +
- len = strlen(argv[1]);  +
- if (len != write(fd, argv[1], len))  +
- perror("write error");  +
- close(fd); +
- exit(-1);  +
- }  +
- close(fd); +
- }  +
- if (gpio_config("direction", argv[2]))  +
- exit(-1);  +
- if ( 0 == strcmp("out",argv[2] ) && argc == 4 ) +
- if(gpio_config("value", argv[3])) +
- exit(-1);  +
- printf("GPIO%s:\n",argv[1]);  +
- if (gpio_get("direction")) +
- exit(-1); +
- if (gpio_get("value")) +
- exit(-1); +
- exit(0);  +
- +
-交叉编译源码: +
- +
-  aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o gpio gpio.c +
-   +
- 将编译好的gpio程序使用scp 拷贝到8132 主板上,执行测试: +
- +
-使用方法: +
-  set gpio out : ./gpio <gpio> <out> <value> +
-  set gpio in  : ./gpio <gpio> <in> +
- +
- {{:pasted:20220719-001444.png}} +
- +
-=== Switch应用编程 === +
-参考系统下操作Switch的方法:[[np-8132-v0a#左右拨码开关使用方法|左右拨码开关使用方法]],获取到switch的设备节点为 +
-  /dev/input/event2 +
-  +
-C参考代码如下: +
- +
- #include <unistd.h> +
- #include <fcntl.h> +
- #include <stdio.h> +
- #include <stdlib.h> +
- #include <linux/input.h> +
- #include <sys/select.h> +
- #define INPUT_DEVICE "/dev/input/event2" +
- int main(int argc, char **argv){ +
- int fd; +
- struct input_event event; +
- ssize_t bytesRead; +
- int ret; +
- fd_set readfds; +
- if ( 0 > (fd = open(INPUT_DEVICE,O_RDONLY))) +
- perror("open error");  +
- return fd;  +
- while(1){ +
- FD_ZERO(&readfds); +
- FD_SET(fd,&readfds); +
- ret = select(fd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); +
- if (ret == -1){ +
- fprintf(stderr,"select call on%s : an error ocurred",argv[1]); +
- break; +
- }  +
- if(FD_ISSET(fd,&readfds)){ +
- bytesRead = read(fd, &event,sizeof(struct input_event)); +
- if(bytesRead == -1 ) +
- fprintf(stderr,"bytesRead :%ld : an error ocurred",bytesRead); +
- }  +
-  +
- if (event.type == EV_KEY && event.code == KEY_RIGHT){ +
- if(event.value == 1) +
- printf("Switch on the right\n"); +
- if (event.type == EV_KEY && event.code == KEY_LEFT){ +
- if(event.value == 1) +
- printf("Switch on the left\n"); +
- close(fd); +
- return EXIT_SUCCESS; +
- +
-交叉编译源码: +
-  aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o switch switch.c +
-将编译好的程序使用scp 拷贝到8132 主板上,执行测试,拨动switch打印如下: +
- +
-{{:pasted:20220719-014056.png}} +
- +
-=== Rotary应用编程 === +
-参考系统下操作Rotary的方法:[[np-8132-v0a#十段位编码开关使用方法|编码开关使用方法]],获取到Rotary的设备节点为 +
-  /dev/input/event1 +
-C参考代码如下: +
-  #include <unistd.h> +
- #include <fcntl.h> +
- #include <stdio.h> +
- #include <stdlib.h> +
- #include <linux/input.h> +
- #include <sys/select.h> +
- #define INPUT_DEVICE "/dev/input/event1" +
- int main(int argc, char **argv){ +
- int fd; +
- struct input_event event; +
- ssize_t bytesRead; +
- int ret; +
- fd_set readfds; +
- if ( 0 > (fd = open(INPUT_DEVICE,O_RDONLY))) +
- perror("open error");  +
- return fd;  +
- while(1){ +
- FD_ZERO(&readfds); +
- FD_SET(fd,&readfds); +
- ret = select(fd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); +
- if (ret == -1){ +
- fprintf(stderr,"select call on%s : an error ocurred",argv[1]); +
- break; +
- }  +
- if(FD_ISSET(fd,&readfds)){ +
- bytesRead = read(fd, &event,sizeof(struct input_event)); +
- if(bytesRead == -1 ) +
- fprintf(stderr,"bytesRead :%ld : an error ocurred",bytesRead); +
- }  +
- if (event.type == EV_ABS && event.code == ABS_X){ +
- printf("Rotary value is : %d \n",event.value); +
- close(fd); +
- return EXIT_SUCCESS; +
-交叉编译源码: +
-  aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o rotary rotary.c +
-将编译好的程序使用scp 拷贝到8132 主板上,执行测试,拨动rotary打印如下 +
- +
-{{:pasted:20220719-020037.png}} +
-=== CAN应用编程 === +
-参考系统下操作CANBUS的方法:[[np-8132-v0a#CANBUS使用方法|CANBUS使用方法]],设置can: +
-  ip link set can0 down +
-  ip link set can0 type can bitrate 125000 +
-  ip link set can0 up +
-  ip link set can1 down +
-  ip link set can1 type can bitrate 125000 +
-  ip link set can1 up +
-   +
- C参考代码如下: +
- +
- #include <stdio.h>  +
- #include <stdlib.h>  +
- #include <string.h>  +
- #include <unistd.h>  +
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>  +
- #include <sys/socket.h>  +
- #include <linux/can.h>  +
- #include <linux/can/raw.h>  +
- #include <net/if.h>  +
- int main(int argc, char **argv)  +
- {  +
- struct ifreq ifr_recv = {0}; +
- struct ifreq ifr_send = {0}; +
- struct sockaddr_can addr_recv = {0};  +
- struct sockaddr_can addr_send = {0};  +
- struct can_frame frame_recv = {0};  +
- struct can_frame frame_send = {0}; +
- int sockfd_r = -1; +
- int sockfd_s = -1; +
- int ret, i;  +
- if ( 3 != argc ) +
- fprintf(stderr, "user : %s <can_recv> <can_send>\n", argv[0]); +
- exit(EXIT_FAILURE);  +
- }  +
- if ( 0 > (sockfd_r = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW)))  +
- {  +
- perror("socket error");  +
- exit(EXIT_FAILURE);  +
- }  +
- if ( 0 > (sockfd_s = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW)))  +
- {  +
- perror("socket error");  +
- exit(EXIT_FAILURE);  +
- }  +
- strcpy(ifr_recv.ifr_name, argv[1]);  +
- ioctl(sockfd_r, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr_recv);  +
- addr_recv.can_family = AF_CAN;  +
- addr_recv.can_ifindex = ifr_recv.ifr_ifindex;  +
- strcpy(ifr_send.ifr_name, argv[2]);  +
- ioctl(sockfd_s, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr_send);  +
- addr_send.can_family = AF_CAN;  +
- addr_send.can_ifindex = ifr_send.ifr_ifindex; +
- ret = bind(sockfd_r, (struct sockaddr *)&addr_recv, sizeof(addr_recv));  +
- if (0 > ret)  +
- {  +
- perror("bind error");  +
- close(sockfd_r);  +
- exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +
- }  +
- ret = bind(sockfd_s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr_send, sizeof(addr_send));  +
- if (0 > ret)  +
- {  +
- perror("bind error");  +
- close(sockfd_s);  +
- exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +
- }  +
- setsockopt(sockfd_s, SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_FILTER, NULL, 0);  +
- frame_send.data[0] = 0xAA;  +
- frame_send.data[1] = 0xBB;  +
- frame_send.data[2] = 0xCC;  +
- frame_send.data[3] = 0xDD;  +
- frame_send.data[4] = 0xEE;  +
- frame_send.data[5] = 0xFF;  +
- frame_send.data[6] = 0x11;  +
- frame_send.data[7] = 0x22;  +
- frame_send.can_dlc = 8;  +
- frame_send.can_id = 0x123; +
- while(1)  +
- {  +
- ret = write(sockfd_s, &frame_send, sizeof(frame_send));  +
- if(sizeof(frame_send) != ret)  +
- {   +
- perror("write error");  +
- goto out;  +
- }  +
- printf("%s send :[%d]",ifr_send.ifr_name,frame_send.can_dlc); +
- for (i = 0; i < frame_send.can_dlc; i++)  +
- printf("%02x ", frame_send.data[i]); +
- sleep(1);  +
- if (0 > read(sockfd_r, &frame_recv, sizeof(struct can_frame)))  +
- perror("read error"); +
- break;  +
- }  +
- if (frame_recv.can_id & CAN_ERR_FLAG)  +
- {  +
- printf("Error frame_recv!\n");  +
- break;  +
- }  +
- printf("\n%s recv :[%d]", ifr_recv.ifr_name,frame_recv.can_dlc);  +
- for (i = 0; i < frame_recv.can_dlc; i++)  +
- printf("%02x ", frame_recv.data[i]);  +
- printf("\n");  +
- }  +
- out:  +
- close(sockfd_r);  +
- close(sockfd_s);  +
- exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);  +
-交叉编译源码: +
-  aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o cantest cantest.c +
-将编译好的程序使用scp 拷贝到主板上,对接CAN0-CAN1执行测试:+